Our Town Awards-2018

Dorothy O’Connor and Shirley Eagan greet the attendees of the Our Town Awards and announce the winner.

The Gathering Place for Community, Art & Education hosted the celebration of the “Our Town Scholarship Awards” February 9th. Abington Heights senior students with an interest in art were invited to apply for a $1000 scholarship to be used to further their education in a creative field.  The OUR TOWN scholarship is a one-time endowment by the Abington Business and Professional Association, made possible through the artistry of Shirley Eagen and work of Dorothy O’Connor.  The funds for the scholarship came from the sale of hand-drawn cards designed and painted by Shirley Eagan and sold by area businesses as part of the Downtown Go-Round program.

Clara Joy Miller earned the $1000 scholarship for her entry, “Candled Apple”, and her essay on future plans.  Students were asked to write an essay discussing their love of art and how they planned to continue to study art and include it as part of their lives. As creators of the scholarship opportunity, Shirley Eagen and Dorothy O’Connor served as judges.

A group of  awards were donated through the generosity of Warren Watkins and anonymous donors given to underclassman for their artistic achievement. The three artists who received these awards were: Tamane Takehara for her “Flowers for Sale”,  Samantha Petty for her work “Melting in a Maze”, Meghan Noone for “NEPA.” A separate award was given to Antonia Milas for her artistic contributions to Our Town community.

Abington Heights Art teachers Eileen Healey, Tim Butler and Abby Whitbeck worked with students and The Gathering Place events chairperson Anne Armezzani. Thirty-nine entries were received in many areas, including painting, drawing, photography, jewelry, sculpture and graphic design.

The evening was made possible by The Clarks Summit Borough, through a grant from Lackawanna County,  and by The Gathering Place that provided the venue and refreshments. You can see the artwork throughout the Clarks Summit Ice Festival and evenings during Community Classroom hours.


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